22 July 2013

Greeting Postcard Blues

The proof of this poem is not nj-complete.

I sailed the cambrian seas
In a boat of greenish spam
Fishing for new jersey
With bait named Sam-I-Am.

When Greasy Jane keels potes
Armadas spawn and die
While naugas in their saucers
Split the mesmosaic sky.

Oh! Waisted youth on pancakes,
Whose syrupy poems we read,
While conquering the Inca Spots
With records by Lou reed,

Canst nae thee, sir, hae naught
For burt, and gentle ernie too?
The sesame hae hae all baen squasht
By a bird as big as two.


Please don't ask about this. I have no idea, really, other than the title--a play on words, subbing a rather brilliant talk.bizarre personality for "np". If you don't know what "NP complete" is, feel free to look it up on Wikipedia. Or just don't worry about it. It's a geek thing.


Copyright 1989, 1994, 2013 Miles O'Neal, Austin, TX. All rights reserved.

1 comment:

dandelionfleur said...

It sounds brilliant--like it would take a team of brilliant people to decipher it--because it's just that brilliant.