15 March 2011

Currently reading: The Shaq

(256 pages, Willy Olds, Blowhard Media, 2007)

WARNING: This is in poor taste on several levels. You Have Been Warned.

Donald Macronald (Big Mack to his family, BM to his friends) is devastated when his toy poodle is brutally given a horrible haircut by an unknown assailant in a dog park. Determined to find the man and bring him to justice, he sends his family on vacation in Mosquito Bite, Wyoming. BM then borrows a friend's dirt bike and haunts the dog park, armed with duct tape, hedge clippers, a vile shade of hair dye, and mousse. Instead of the assailant, he runs into Shaquille O'Neal. Literally. Bouncing off Shaq, his bike a wreck, BM is thrown into the park's two ton pile of dog poo. While there, he encounters God, who to his astonishment looks and acts nothing like George Burns. After several amazing days BM limps home, but smells so bad nobody will go near him for a month. Eventually the odor washes off, and his changed life amazes everyone. Shaq goes on TV and tells funny stories about the man who bounced off him and flew into "the world's biggest pile of poo outside Washington, DC".

Ob note: I love _The Shack_. I just free associate a lot.

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